Thanks to the continued generosity of a long-time donor, the first off-campus alumni conference was…
Christian Community Church and Services Kibiko
One of the unique times during a school session is the visit of the pastors to a church pastored by one of their class mates. The staff and faculty also go with them. It is unique because here the whole DPTC family gets to encourage one of their own. They get to conduct the service and pray with the church members and whatever else they are capable of doing to encourage one of their own. It is unique too because the Church to which they visit gets the opportunity to experience the wealth imparted to the students. With the zeal of all the pastors sharing what they have been learning the church benefits greatly on that particular Sunday.

On 26th July 2015, the class of 2016 and the available staff of DPTC, those available, visited Christian Community Church and Services Kibiko, near the Ngong hills, under the care of Rachel Njoroge and her husband Pastor Njoroge. Here the pastors ministered in the worship service and later they served in an open market meeting near the church.
“This opportunity helps the pastors identify their gifts,” says Director Paul. “One of the most amazing things for me is to see their gifts and strengths play out in the course of the service. Though all are pastors, it is amazing to see how good some people are in different areas of ministry. Some, Like Elizabeth, Silas and Silvanus are very good in the open air ministry, while others like Monicah Minani are excellent in children ministry,” he continues.

It was amazing to see the pastors all in one spirit serve the lord at Kibiko. Pastor John Ngatia taught the Bible study, Pastor Daudi Letooiya preached in the main service, Pastor Silvanus Miruka preached in the open market while Elizabeth Ng’endo conducted the open market meeting. As the pastors support their own, it also affords them the opportunity to experience a variety of ways of doing things. While benefiting the class and the host church, it also spreads the fame of the Church in its community. As the pastors reach out to the community in the open air, they create an awareness of the church in the local area.

During those trips, director Paul also gets to tell the story of DPTC and invite the churches to be part of what God is doing.