Thanks to the continued generosity of a long-time donor, the first off-campus alumni conference was…
Sunday Service at Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa (P.E.F.A) Ol-Keri
One of the unique times during a school session is the visit of the pastors to a church shepherded by one of their class mates. The staff and faculty also go with them. It is unique because here the whole DPTC family gets to encourage one of their own. They get to conduct the service and pray with the church members and whatever else they are capable of doing to encourage one of their own. It is unique too because the Church to which they visit gets the opportunity to experience the wealth imparted to the students. With the zeal of all the pastors sharing what they have been learning, the church benefits greatly on that particular Sunday. Here, you would have the opportunity to see the impact of DPTC on the pastors as zeal and knowledge are combined to the service of God by serving the church.

On October 11th 2015, the class of 2016, faculty and staff of DPTC visited PEFA church Ol-keri, a church under the shepherding of Rev. Muchira, the husband to Jane Muchira, a student in the 2016 class.
The church is on a hill, about forty five minutes drive from the campus.
The service started with Bible study led by pastor Peter Wanjohi. It is always amazing seeing the pastors’ gifts displayed as they get to unite and bless the church with their gifts. Later in the day, pastor Wilfred Kirunja preached the word of God.

Alongside the Bible study was the children service, commonly called Sunday School. Monicah Minani came alongside the children’s teacher that Sunday and taught the children. Monicah has a passion for children ministry and is at home with them.
After the service, before we made the final prayer, Rev. Muchira said that God was ministering something to him. “Should I tell you what the Lord has put in my heart or should I not?” He asked. Of course everybody in there was eager to hear what the Lord had deposited in the pastor’s heart, so “yes tells us” we all said.
“The Lord is ministering to me that we give an offering toward blessing Chemichemi (Meaning DPTC). My wife has never asked me for tuition though she is in school. Those who support DPTC inherit the greater blessing since it is more blessed to give than to receive. Why don’t we all share in that blessing today” he urged us. That day an offering was collected towards blessing DPTC.
Latter in the afternoon we held an open air evangelism meeting in a nearby shopping center. It is the tradition in the class, where applicable and possible we hold an open air evangelism meeting to reach out to the community around the church we visit.
In the open air meeting Boniface Kiama conducted the program while John Ngatia preached the word of God. Others like Silas Ondieki led the music while Mark, Catherine and David Letooyia gave testimonies of how Christ met and saved them.

It is amazing to see the pastors come together to encourage one of their own. It is usually a day to remember, a Sunday to look forward to and a unique time at DPTC. It time and again proves to us that indeed what we are doing is what God called us to do. It brings joy and fulfillment in our hearts as we see the impact DPTC has on these pastors’ preaching, teaching, and other aspects that come up in the course of the service.
We can only attribute these blessings to God’s grace over us. We also thank you for praying with us, giving towards the training of these pastors, and your encouragement. We would like you to know that indeed your partnership with us counts. We can attest that God has worked and is working through DPTC to transform communities.