Thanks to the continued generosity of a long-time donor, the first off-campus alumni conference was…

The sixth class, the class of 2020 just concluded their second semester in May. God is continuing his faithfulness in the journey of “Training pastors in the Word of God and in the work of ministry focusing on those students with limited financial means and/or limited education.” Thus far the LORD has brought us “And yet this has been a small thing in your eyes O Lord God…” 2Samuel 7:19. To meet the pastors in that class, please visit and you will be able to see their profiles.
One of the pastors in that class, is Daki Dida Guyo, who comes from the Borana community in Marsabit. She was born and brought up as a Muslim, until in high school. She, like every Muslim child attended their indoctrination classes and learnt her faith, her family faith. She was very defensive of it and often threatened those who would try reaching her with the good news of Jesus the Christ. She had a friend and neighbor who would try to but she would threaten him. “I promised him that when I was done with high school I would join Al-shabaab, then come and kill him for trying to make me a Christian” Daki confesses. This was not an empty threat, but something she meant and wanted to do.
However, when she was in high school, she had some questions about her faith that her peers could not help answer. She asked her elders but they too didn’t have any answer. Finally she asked the teacher who taught them the faith, but he too didn’t know. She looked at the translation of the Quran and its original language but the discrepancy won’t go away. That was when she prayed that God would show her the truth.
She began to read the Bible and the more she read the more she was convicted of her sin, of the truth and of life in Jesus the hope of sinners. So she spoke to her father, saying she wanted to become a Christian. He forbid her and threatened to disown her if she tried.
After few weeks she brought it up with her father again, who for the second time forbid her. But at last she made up her mind, prepared and went to a church nearby, sat right in front and received Jesus as her savior that day. She could not resist the truth anymore, nor the callings of the Holy Spirit.
“When my dad knew that I went to church, he beat me up. But that wouldn’t stop me. I kept going until he was so sick of me that one day when he learnt I had become a christian, he broke my arm” she says as she shows her arm, which after healing is still bent to some degree. “I refused to go to hospital and said to myself, if this God is true, he is able to heal me. My arm healed naturally.”
“My dad then sent me away from home and I went to stay with my aunt. When I got there, she was very sick. I kept telling her to let me pray over her, and Jesus would heal her. She rejected my offer over and over. But she got worse till she agreed for me to pray over her. God is faithful for sure. When I prayed over her, she got healed. That way, the whole family was turned to Christ from Islam” she narrates. Her parents also turned from Islam to following Jesus, and their whole family now are believers in Christ Jesus.
Daki felt the need to reach the young people with the gospel, and since high school she has been involved in many outreaches to high schools in Marsabit. Her desire is to be trained in the word of God and in

the work of ministry to effectively serve the lord Jesus who loved her and gave himself up for her.
God providentially brought her to us, and we look forward to seeing what God is doing in her life and ministry. It is a great blessing to partner with God in doing this, in forming her spiritual foundation and training her to reach to with the conviction that God wants to use her to transform her community.
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