Our curriculum was developed by seminary-degreed faculty based on the specific needs of Kenyan pastors in our target group.
The curriculum represent the five basic areas of doctrine:
- Bibliology – seeing the Bible as our functional authority
- Ecclesiology – aligning the church with biblical purposes
- Pneumatology – releasing the Spirit’s energizing power
- Soteriology – making the plan of redemption the mission of every disciple
- Christology – gauging servant leadership and lifestyle on Jesus Christ.
The Training includes:
- Residential Attendance
- Eight two-week sessions over two calendar years
- One session per quarter (so as not to interrupt students’ pastoral work in their home churches extensively)
- Occasional two-four day retreats for supplementary training
- Final two-week session is an off-site missional internship
- Eight two-week sessions over two calendar years
- Take-home Assignments and Projects
- Assigned as follow-up per each course
- To be completed at home with reports submitted at the following session
- Supervisory contact and/or visits from staff between quarterly school sessions
Training Opportunities and Experiences
The Curriculum
Bible Courses
BL 100 Old Testament Survey
BL 101 New Testament Survey
BL 102 Acts of Apostles
BL 103 Romans and Galatians
BL 104 Principles of Bible Interpretation I and II
Theology Courses
TH 200 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
TH 201 Theology of Worship
TH 202 Bible Doctrines Survey
Ministry Courses
MN 300 Preaching
MN 301 Preaching Practicum
MN 302 The Role of a pastor
MN 303 Missions
MN 304 Church Growth
MN 305 Evangelism and Discipleship
MN 306 Introduction to Counseling
MN 307 Servant Leadership
MN 308 Church management and Administration
MN 309 Personal Spiritual Development
MN 310 Church History Survey
MN 311 History of Christianity in Africa
MN 312 Marriage and Family
General Courses
GE 400 Conflict resolution
GE 401 Islam
GE 402 Comparative Religions
GE 403 Ministry Internship
GE 404 Contemporary Social Issues
DPTC reserves the right to withdraw or add a course or program at any time. Supplements to this publication will be available as necessary. For latest updates and revision.

True Identity Retreats (Men’s/Women’s)

Guest Teachers

Field Trips

Mission Internship

Access To Professors