Divine Providence Training Center accepts donations via the National Christain Foundation (NCF). We accept Checks, Credit Cards and Electronic Checks. 100% of all donations go directly to the work of the ministry.
You may make a general donation to the Divine Providence Training Center which will be allocated based on needs at the time of the donation or you may make a donation to a specific need.
Divine providence Training Center accepts donations through Friend so Divine Providence Training Center. Follow the information and links below to make a donation. Friends of DPTC is a 501C3 dedicated to supporting our Kenyan partners in growing the ministry and become a self-sustaining organization through fundraising for capital projects including buildings, camp upgrades, water treatment and more.
Mail Donations
Friends of DPTC
P.O. Box 2283
Roswell, Georgia 30077-2283
Checks should be made out to Friends of DPTC or Friends of Divine Providence Training Center.