Have you or your church group ever wanted to be involved in international missions in Africa and just not known where to begin? We can help!
Please contact us at missions@campchemichemi.com or complete the form below to find out more about Mission Team opportunities and rates.
Missions that Matter
Jesus saw the crowds and had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. He told his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” The fields are ripe for the harvest in Kenya.
Our Christian brothers and sisters are witness to a hurting nation desperately trying to survive problems that decimate if left unaddressed. They watch as their neighbors face diseases like HIV or Malaria, cultural adversities including tribal conflicts or the routine abuse of women, and environmental hazards like water-borne disease. Poverty and illiteracy are considered the norm. These challenges contribute to why multitudes remain unreached for Christ.
We believe in short term missions and what they can do for the growth and development of believers. Often times, though, short-term projects have little to no benefit for the communities in which they serve.
We believe in a better way to do short term missions. With connections to pastors in over 48 different communities, we encourage short-term mission groups to come and work alongside Kenyans who are passionate about making a permanent change in the spiritual culture and general well-being of Kenya. Also, by using our camp and staff at Chemi Chemi, you also are helping support the training of new pastors and planting of churches, leaving a long-term legacy.
So if you or your church group would like more information on how to begin planning your missions experience with Camp Chemi Chemi, please fill out the form below or contact us at the number or email above and one of our staff will be in touch with you!
Request Mission Team Information